Blog Archive


Deploy of script version 11.5

Ok, I might admit that you didn't hear much about ACC in the last couple of weeks. Well, RL was keeping us busy again, but now we're pretty much back and already worked out something new. In contrast to the deploy of older script versions where we released all bikes at the same time, we decided to update a bike and release it right after that. That way, the most new or most favored bikes can be released much more faster then before and you guys don't have to wait forever :-)

So, what's new about the new script version 11.5? We added some nice, interesting and helpful features to our bikes. Here's a list of all available functions in 11.5:

 ✠ 8 gears.
 ✠ Horn, burnout and rev engine.
 ✠ Triggerarble lights and bling.
 ✠ Passenger seat with Eject function.
 ✠ Unlock function.
 ✠ List unauthorized access attempts with an alarm function.
 ✠ Sit or lie on, or lean against your bike, while turned off.
 ✠ Bike detects your size automatically and selects matching animation sets.

 ✠ Choose your favored gloss level.
 ✠ Choose from 12 different tire textures.
 ✠ Choose from 20 textured and 18 sculpted rims.
 ✠ Add your own textures to tank and fender with SelfPAINT.
 ✠ All bikes are Paintjob ready!

 ✠ Add your name to the bike‘s name.
 ✠ Modify your sit position and rotation.
 ✠ Adjust the speed of each gear.
 ✠ Adjust the turning power.

In addition to all that stuff, we worked a bit on our bike engine itself. You'll notice a new camera position, also a slightly adjusted turning behaviour, leftovers are gibberish :-) The first 11.5 release will be today, with a redesigned version of Streetforce, now called "Streetforce/XT". Speaking of which, we also created some new sculpts, for example regarding the engine. Don't worry, all current bikes will have these engine sculpts!

However, this is a new script version and we modified a lot. So if you feel you found a bug or something isn't working correctly, contact us ASAP! We'll keep this post updated and add all finished bikes to a list. So, here's a pic of the first one and stay tuned!

Regards, Diddi

Updated 11.5 Bikes:
  • Streetforce/XT
  • Vengeance 
  • 741b
  • SGS/05 
  • R/115
  • Wrath
  • Ghost Rider
  • Shadow-X
  • RoadRunner


Destination Guide

We just had a visit by Torley Linden. Now, we're proud to announce, that our location "Animas City" is featured in Second Life's Destination Guide. You can find us in the category "Editors Picks"!

Yayyy! \o/

View the article in the Destination Guide here and visit us here :-)


Changes regarding the affiliate program

From today, all news and updates regarding our affiliate program will only be sent in it's own group. Click the link below to join the group. Enrollment is open atm, but will be closed within 24 hours. After that day, please send me a notecard or mail, I'll add you to the group as soon as possible.

AnimasCustomChoppers Affiliates
(If this link isn't working, simply search inworld for "AnimasCustomChoppers" in one word, you'll find it this way, too.)


What we're working on

Since we worked a lot for our new brand Slime! Urban Prefabs And Decor, it's time to work at our bikes again. We had some serious modifications on our SGS/05 (renamed toDynaSGS/05) and some new bikes under construction. Also, the menu will look a bit different. In addition to all the changes, we also added a menu in german language, which you can trigger via the menu too.
So, there's a lot coming, check back to this website soon, we'll post as soon as the updates are available.


Website relaunch and inworld changes

The new website is live! In addition to the new releases, location and other inworld-stuff, we needed something new to play with. So, here it is, the NEW!

I mentioned a new location for ACC and [b.nuts] in our inworld groups, some meetings and our Twitter. We had to leave our home sim Annuna Prime, cause Estate Owner Jabba Gruppman decided to cancel the ownership of the sim for personal reasons. Change can be good, so we are now located on our own biker sim Wheely. We're looking forward to see you there!

Also, there'll be more releases and updates in the next few weeks, so take a look at this website every now and then.